You Are Here → Mapping the Psychogeography of
New York City
Manhattan Campus
144 W. 14th St.
Second Floor Tuesday–Saturday, 11 AM–6 PM
September 24–November 6, 2010 Liz Hickok, Fugitive Topography: Jelly NYC, View from the Staten Island Ferry, 2010 , Gelwax.
A Culinary Map of New York City, by Maira Kalman and Rick Meyerowitz
A 3-D Jello Map of the Manhattan Skyline. An Anxiety Map of the Five Boroughs. A Loneliness Map of Missed Connections. Like the subway map, it is terrain all New Yorkers have navigated at one time.
“You Are Here → Mapping the Psychogeography of New York City,” is an exhibition of work by a selection of contemporary artists that maps the emotional terrain of New York City, and explores the effect of the city’s powerful moods on those who live and work here.
Works include:
- An anxiety map of the five boroughs lit by sweat-powered batteries by Daniela Kostova and Olivia Robinson
- A“Loneliness Map” from Craigslist’s Missed Connections by Ingrid Burrington
- A scratch-and-sniff map of New Yorkers’ smell preferences by Nicola Twilley
- An installation constructed from city ephemera by Pratt faculty member Robbin Ami Silverberg
- Preliminary artwork for New Yorkistan, Maira Kalman and Rick Meyerowitz’s post 9/11 cover for The New Yorker, and Kalman and Meyerowitz’s culinary subway map of the city
- Nina Katchadourian’s New York soundtrack, assembled from found segments of cassette tape
“You Are Here” is guest-curated by Katharine Harmon, author of The Map as Art: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography(Princeton Architectural Press, 2009) and You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination (Princeton Architectural Press, 2003).
“I like wondering whether the world’s most adrenalized and artistic city elicits more emotional responses than others. Mapping is an intriguing way to approach the question, especially at a time when artists are using mapping concepts in such ingenious ways,” she says.
Photos: Liz Hickok (Fugitive Topography), Diana Pau (Culinary Map)
Brooklyn Campus
200 Willoughby Avenue
Chemistry Building, first Floor
Monday–Friday, 9 AM–5 PM; Saturday, 12-5 PM
October 7, 2010–January 21, 2011
Top row: Installation view, Schafler Gallery, Where are the Picassos in the Natural History Museum?, 1999. Bottom row (L-R): Adam Bezer, Untitled, September 11, 2001, Chromogenic Print; Leyla Modirzadeh, Secret Histories: Oxford, 15 minute DVD clip; Sally Tosti,Coney Island series, 2010, archival inkjet print, 15x10 inches
Celebrating a quarter century of exhibitions at The Rubelle and Norman Schafler Gallery including recent work by alumni and students. Highlights of six of the most memorable and influential exhibitions will be reassembled along with recent work by original participants. Guest-curated by Eleanor Moretta, former director for exhibitions.
Brooklyn Campus
200 Willoughby Avenue
Chemistry Building, first Floor
Monday–Friday, 9 AM–5 PM; Saturday, 12-5 PM
February 10–March 10, 2011
Opening reception: Tuesday, February 9, 4–6 PM
All exhibitions and events are free and open to the public. Please visit our website www.pratt.edu/exhibitions for more information, updates, and podcasts.
200 Willoughby Avenue
Main Building, 4th Floor
Monday–Friday, 9 AM–4 PM
September 13–October 22.
Foundation Art Professor Jenny Lynn McNutt’s “Precise Breathing,” an installation of art works about the honeybee will be exhibited at the Art and Design Dean’s Gallery. Precise Breathing was made possible in part by a Pratt Faculty Development grant, fiscal sponsorship by New York Foundation of the Arts, and a Rothman Foundation grant. For more information on this project, please visit http://www.aboutthebuzz.net/.
61 St. James Place, Brooklyn
Sunday–Saturday, 9 AM–5 PM
Opens October 28
This exhibit features the work of the Pratt Insitute Rome program from 2001 - 2010 as exhibited at the Temple of Hadrian and curated by Professor Frederick Biehle of Pratt Institute.
Echoes of Tibet Find Refuge in the West
Second Floor Lobby
Monday–Thursday, 10 AM–6 PM
Friday–Sunday, 10 AM–4 PM
Through Friday, October 29
On display are photographic images printed on fabric created by Adjunct Associate Professor Cheryl Stockton after she traveled to Tibet in 2007 as a leader in Pratt’s Art of the Himalayas study abroad program. Stockton added Tibetan script to her photographs, which have been printed on semi-sheer fabric to hang as prayer flags in the gallery space. Her work is available for purchase; 10 percent of sales will benefit One Heart World-Wide for humanitarian efforts in Tibet. The exhibition is presented in collaboration with guest artist and documentary filmmaker John Halpern of MDS Films and includes clips from the films Talking with the Dalai Lama (2006) and Refuge (2005).
Pratt in Venice
Brooklyn Campus • 200 Willoughby Avenue
East Building
October 18–23
Monday–Saturday, 9 AM–5 PM
Opening Reception, Monday, October 18, 5 PM
On display is student work in various media created during Pratt’s six-week summer study program in Venice, conducted in collaboration with the Università Internazionale dell'Arte and the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica. Selected artworks will be part of a silent auction, which takes place for the duration of the show. Proceeds from the sale of works in this annual exhibition benefit the Pratt in Venice Scholarship Fund. The Pratt in Venice program is now entering its 27th year.
Dis/Copenhagen Furniture and Textiles
Brooklyn Campus • 200 Willoughby Avenue
Second Floor
November 10–17
Monday–Saturday, 9:30–5 PM
Opening Reception: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 8 PM
On exhibition will be work by Pratt graduate students who participated in the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) program in Copenhagen in summer 2010. During the seven-week session, students also took a study tour of Sweden, Finland, and Western Denmark. The remainder of the trip was spent in Copenhagen working on either the chair or a textile design to be on view.