Package Design Gala Benefitting Marc Rosen Scholarship Fund Honors P&G Prestige
From Left: Rorke Greene (M.S. Comm-D '10); Ashley Culver (M.S. Comm-D '10); Chair of Graduate Communications Design Jeff Bellantoni; Dean of School of Art and Design Concetta M. Stewart; Pratt Trustee and faculty member Marc Rosen (M.F.A. '70); Karen Salomon (M.S. Comm-D '10); and graduate Communications Design student Joo Hyung Jin at the 2011 Pratt Institute and Luxe Pack Art of Packaging Award Gala.
This year’s annual Pratt Institute and Luxe Pack Art of Packaging Award Gala honored P&G Prestige for its outstanding commitment to package design. Sumit Bhasin, global leader of innovation, P&G Prestige Products, accepted the 2011 award on behalf of the company from Nathalie Grosdidier, executive director, Luxe Pack. Special Correspondent to Vanity Fair Amy Fine Collins hosted this year’s gala on May 17. About 250 people attended.
The 2011 Marc Rosen Scholarship winners were Ashley Culver (M.S. ’10) of Omaha, Nebraska; Rorke Greene (M.S. ’10) of Scottdale, Pennsylvania; Joo Hyung Jin (M.S. ’12) of Seoul, Korea; and Karen Salomon (M.S. ’10) of Miami, Florida. Each winner's fragrance package design work was on display in the lobby of the event venue.
From Left: Karen Salomon (M.S. Comm-D '10) stands with her packaging design; Rorke Greene (M.S. Comm-D '10) stands with his packaging design.
The annual Art of Packaging Award Gala—which has brought in more than $3.5 million over the past 22 years—supports the Marc Rosen Scholarship and Education Fund for Packaging by Design and raises funds for scholarships for graduating package design students at Pratt. The Marc Rosen Scholarship and Education Fund for Packaging by Design is the only scholarship in the world available to college students looking to pursue careers in cosmetics and package design. Each year, the scholarship is supported by the cosmetic industry at The Art of Packaging Award Gala, an event that attracts the top-tier of New York City’s multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry. At Pratt, Rosen teaches a course on cosmetic and fragrance package design, which is the only one of its kind in the world.
Photos: Patrick McMullan Company