President Schutte and Virginia McEnerney, executive director, Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, at Art.Write.Now.2013.
Earlier this month Pratt Manhattan Gallery hosted Art.Write.Now.2013, an exhibition of work by some of the nation’s most promising young artists and writers, as recognized by the esteemed Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Program. The awards are an important bellwether of where American teenagers will take art and writing in the future.
Pratt alumnus Robert Redford as well as Lena Dunham, Red Grooms, Tom Otterness, Andy Warhol, Stephen King, and Joyce Carol Oates are among those who were recognized by the awards years before making their mark.
The exhibition displayed more than 100 works in collage, photography, fashion, sculpture, and writing that received the highest level of national recognition in the program—the American Visions & Voices Award. The award is given to students in grades 7–12 whose work was selected by a panel of curators, artists, educators, and arts professionals as the best among the program’s 75 art regions and 41 writing regions.
President Thomas F. Schutte—himself an alumnus of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Program—acknowledged the hard work and dedication of these medalists at a breakfast held at Pratt in their honor.
For more information, visit artandwriting.org.
Text: Luke Degnan
Photo: Kristine Larsen
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