Bansky Balloon Girl, Jesus Toast, Among Winners in Comm-D Halloween Costume Contest
Devilishly Hard to Judge More Than 90 Competitors
More than 200 Pratt students turned out to attend the Halloween Costume and Pumpkin Carving Contest, a popular annual event hosted by the undergraduate Department of Communications Design for the eighth year in a row on October 28.
Cash prizes were awarded for most original costume ($500), followed by the most beautiful costume, scariest costume, funniest costume, and best mask ($300 each). The student with the best pumpkin carving won $150 gift certificate from the Prattstore, the college art supply and book store. The six winners were chosen by guest alumni and faculty including Communications Design Chair Kathleen Creighton and Assistant Chair Cecilia Almeida.
L to R: The winners — Rachel Caires (Illustration ’14), Most Beautiful Costume, “Banksy Balloon Girl”; Olivia Russin (Graphic Design ’13), Scariest Costume, “Michele Bachmann”; Madeleine Giuliani (Film ’14), Best Makeup, “Torched Hooker (Zombie)”; Hunter Hampton, (Advertising ’13), Most Original Costume, "Pygmalion's Failure"; Kaitlyn Mitschele, (Graphic Design ’12), Funniest Costume, "Jesus Toast"; Emilyann Cummings (Illustration ’14), Best Mask, “Mystical Spirit of Unexpected Deadlines"
Clarissa Eck (Illustration ’14), Best Pumpkin CarvingText: Adrienne Gyongy
Photo: Jeff Winterberg (Top), Joe Roberts (Bottom)
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