We Are Grammar
Manhattan Campus
144 W. 14th St. Second Floor, Tuesday–Saturday, 11 AM–6 PM
February 25–May 7, 2011
(Left) Savage, I’m a Fraud, 2010, Lambda digital photographic print, 15 ¾ x 15 ¾ inches, courtesy of the artist; (Right) Ronan McCrea, Everything (multi-coloured neon version) Boxed, 2000, neon and cardboard box, 16 1/2 x 15 ¾ x 15 ¾, courtesy of the artist and Green on Red Gallery, Dublin. Exhibition design: Anthony Gross.
Several generations of artists’ works will be brought together to explore the impact, establish a dialogue, and draw lines between competing conceptions of the role of text in art. The guest curators for the exhibition are Dave Beech and Paul O’Neill.
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