About Gateway

Gateway was the community newsletter of Pratt Institute published monthly by the Office of Communications, in the Division of Institutional Advancement through spring 2014. For current Pratt-related news, visit the News page on Pratt’s website.


Staff Focus

Dr. Chuck Münster

Director, Center for Continuing and Professional Studies  

Tell us about the history of CCPS and how it came to be part of Pratt?
Continuing and Professional Studies began in 1975 with the establishment of the Pratt Manhattan Center. The original focus was on professional development and technology.  Over the past 36 years, the unit has broadened its scope to include a wide range of programming that includes fine arts, computer-related design, management and professional development, as well as architecture, graphic design, and crafts.

What exactly does CCPS offer and how does the school fit into the overall mission of Pratt?
Continuing and Professional Studies serves the educational needs of non-traditional learners. Our programs include the following: The Pre-College Program giving high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors an immersion experience in art, design or architecture; the Professional Studies programs, which gives professionals training to upgrade their skills, enables them to maintain or obtain professional licensure, or prepares them for certification in the vocation of their choice; Continuing Education, which offers courses covering disciplines primarily within Pratt’s area of study, such as art and design; and finally, Credit Programs, which include the study abroad and summer elective intensives.

What are the most popular courses or programs at CCPS?
Our computer graphics, photography, and sustainability certificate programs have shown increased popularity, especially with international students. They are designed to fulfill specific career aspirations for individuals who, in most cases, already have a bachelor’s or master’s degree. By far, the summer intensive courses have grown the most, with a 75% increase in enrollment since they were introduced five years ago.

Who is the typical CCPS student?
The Continuing and Professional Studies student is one who is not the traditional student enrolling in any of Pratt’s other four schools.  She or he is the professional adult, the undergraduate or graduate student who is not majoring in art, design, or architecture, or the high school student seeking to explore the exciting world of a Pratt education. 

We aspire to serve the current and emerging needs of diverse, non-traditional students and alumni in ways that align with Pratt Institute's overall vision; that complement Pratt's regular program offerings; and that are relevant and useful to today’s and tomorrow’s society and world.

What exactly is a summer intensive, and is there anything new about the summer intensives this year?
The Summer Credit Intensive courses are designed for the college-level or adult learner seeking exposure to new subject areas in fulfillment of academic or professional interests and objectives. The intensive courses were developed and modeled after highly successful summer Ivy League university programs which allow non-matriculated students to study under esteemed faculty at these universities and transfer credits back to their home colleges. Pratt, as a renowned art, design, and architecture school and a leader in sustainability has become highly sought after by students around the world to study in these disciplines. Each intensive course represents three undergraduate elective credits.  This summer we are offering the following courses: Photography, Fine Arts: Painting and Drawing, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Architectural Design, and Photography. This summer, for the first time, we will be introducing classes in Digital Photography, Interior Design, and Creative Technologies.

Anything else new at CCPS that we should know about?
We have recently entered into a partner agreement with The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) to offer a credentialing program for professional facilities managers. Today more than ever, companies are interested in their current or prospective employees’ ability to demonstrate that they meet industry-wide standards. The IFMA Facility Management Professional Credential Program is a comprehensive training and assessment program that provides facility management professionals with the tools to master today’s FM knowledge and skills to earn their FMP credential.

What benefit does CCPS offer alumni?
CCPS is a dynamic and ongoing link to Pratt alumni. An integral part of our mission and an important goal for us is to continually provide state-of-the-art updates and enhancements to the skills and competencies they learned at the Institute. Alumni are also an important source for us in identifying faculty and developing new courses. We offer a 10% discount off the price of all courses to Pratt alumni, one of the many benefits of the newly created Pratt Alumni Association. Class offerings and prices vary. Contact CCPS for a current catalog and details on how to register: pratt.edu/ccps or visit alumni.pratt.edu for more information.

What do you do for fun after hours?
What was said about Jack being a dull boy…. Most of my free time is spent in some Pratt capacity because running Continuing and Professional Studies is so much more than a career.  It’s actually a whole lot of fun.

Aside from that, fixing up my co-op, enjoying my Siamese rescue kitten, and being infatuated with everything that this great city has to offer pretty much round out my life. 

Photo: Federico Savini


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