Pratt Manhattan Gallery to Host Workshop and Presentations
Che-Wei Wang, 3.16 Billion Cycles, 2009; aluminum, AC sync motor, rubber belts; 46 inches in diameter x 6 inches deep.Pratt Manhattan Gallery will host two days of events in conjunction with the exhibition Kinesthetics: Art Imitating Life, which is on view through April 27.
On Saturday, April 20 at 1 PM, Pratt Manhattan Gallery will host a software clock canvas workshop using Participants will draw moving canvases that shift over time and mark time’s passage. The presenters will be Che-Wei Wang, an artist, designer, architect, and Kinesthetics artist; and Taylor Levy, an artist and designer who works with various technologies. A reservation is required. Participants can email to reserve a spot and should bring their own laptop.
On Saturday, April 27, Pratt Manhattan Gallery will host two presentations. For the first, Taezoo Park will present “How It Works” at 1 PM exploring the possibilities of interactive media in art and design through practical demonstrations with controlling LEDs, motors, sensors, and light. The second presentation, “Augmented Reality,” will begin at 2:30 PM. The presenter, Meredith Drum, creates cinema projects as linear screenings, interactive exhibitions, and augmented reality walking tours. Both events are free and open to the public, and refreshments will be provided. For more information, email
Saturday, April 20
Software Clock Canvas Workshop 1 PM
Saturday, April 27
“How It Works” 1 PM
“Augmented Reality” 2:30 PM
Pratt Manhattan Center
Room 213, 144 West 14th Street, 2nd Floor
Photo: Courtesy of the artist.
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